Today we’re going to talk about natural remedies for spider mites. Spider mites can infest and kill a plant, or a group of plants faster than you can even see what’s happening sometimes.
That’s why it’s important to have a plan in place BEFORE you see an infestation. Today we’re going to talk about ways to naturally control these pests without harmful chemicals.

One of the questions I get asked the most is, “What is the best way to get rid of Spider Mites naturally?” Spider mites are tiny spider pests that belong to the arachnid family.
They eat the plant’s leaves and suck the sap out of the plant cells of your garden plants and different types of plants including:
- ornamental flowers
- strawberries
- beans
- eggplants
- tomatoes
- beans
- melons
- ornamental plants
- various fruit trees
What’s more, these common pests reproduce unbelievably fast – trust me! Before you know it, you have mite infestations everywhere.
You’ll be able to tell from the visible damage to the upper leaves and undersides of leaves on your old and new plants. You’ll see white, brown spots, or yellow spots, and white cottony fine webbing the spider mites are suffocating them with.
The most common spider mite is the tetanychus uticae koch also known as a red spider mite or two spotted spider mite.
They’re barely visible to the naked eye. Using a magnifying glass might not even help.
The spider mites on cucumber plants are likely to be tow spotted spider mites or cucumber spider mites. One year they took out every plant I had in a hurry!
The adult female spider mites lay eggs that are more pearl like. They usually lay spider mite eggs on the underside of leaves.
You might be tempted to grab the nearest pesticide to spray these tiny but annoying pests away, but these chemicals may be doing more harm than good.
The use of specific pesticides such as synthetic chemical pesticides can actually stimulate male mite reproduction resulting in even bigger spider mite populations and spider mite infestation after spraying. It can feel like you can’t win for losing!
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How To Get Rid Of Spider Mites Naturally
There are many natural ways to answer the question: how to kill Spider Mites on plants, and today we’ll talk about the best ways to kill the Spider Mites naturally without harming the plant(s) they have infested.
Here are a few homemade Spider Mite killers:
Water Sprays

For outdoor plants, use a garden hose with a spray nozzle attached. Spray the upper leaves and undersides of the leaves of badly infested plants with strong water pressure for pest management and to remove mites and their silk webbing from the underside of the leaves.
To get rid of spider mites on indoor plants, you can use a wet sponge to wipe off the upper leaves and underside of plant leaves of your plant.
That’s it – inside it’s much easier to control and you’ll have no more spider mites on houseplants.
Remove Heavily Infested Leaves
To prevent Spider Mites from spreading to other parts of your healthy plants, remove heavily infested leaves and seal them in a plastic bag before disposing of them. This is one of the best methods of spider mites treatment.
If an entire plant is infested, you need to get rid of that plant to prevent the infestation from spreading to your other plants.
You might also like: How To Get Rid Of Spider Mites On Plants

Mix Your Own Homemade Spider Mite Killer And Repellent Spray
There are several organic methods or DIY natural ingredient repellent sprays, for Spider Mites you can make at home.
You can try mixing 1 teaspoon of dish soap and fill the rest with water in a spray bottle and use it to spray under the leaves of infected plants. To stop the spread of spider mites.
But remember that some plants are more sensitive to soap, and the items mentioned below which can lead to leaf burn and other problems. So, test anything before you spray entire plants.
Your other options include:
- Cayenne pepper and water
- Mashed garlic cloves and water
- Food-grade wax with cayenne pepper extract.
- Neem oil and water
- Rosemary oil and water
- Isopropyl alcohol / Rubbing alcohol this is the best way to get rid of white spider mites and how to get rid of spider mites indoors.
- Organic insecticidal soap mix 2 1/2 tablespoons of mild dish soap with 2 1/2 tablespoons of oil of any type. This method is especially good for how to get rid of red spider mites.
Neem Oil
This is a natural insecticide derived from the neem tree and is an excellent option for controlling spider mites.
Neem oil disrupts the mites’ lifecycle, preventing them from reproducing and causing further damage to your plants.
Dilute neem oil according to the instructions on the bottle and spray it on your affected plants, pay close attention to the undersides of the leaves where spider mites tend to hide.
Insecticidal Soap
A mixture of mild soap and water can be an effective spray for getting rid of spider mites. The soap coats them, breaking down their protective outer layer which ultimately kills them.
Be sure to cover all parts of the plant, including the stems and undersides of the leaves, with the insecticidal soap.
Ladybugs are a natural predator of spider mites. Bringing ladybugs into your garden can help keep the spider mite population in check.
Ladybugs feast on these and other annoying pests, helping to restore balance to your plants and prevent further damage.
You can purchase Ladybugs and release them in your garden. Make sure you water the plants leaves first and then release them onto the wet plant at dusk. The Ladybugs will wake up on the plant and begin taking care of your pests.
Be sure to place them right onto the affected plants and know that once you run out of “food” for them – they will fly away in search of more food.
Garlic Spray
A homemade garlic spray can work wonders in keeping spider mites from infesting your plants.
Blend garlic cloves with water and strain the mixture to create a potent spray. The strong smell of the garlic acts as a deterrent to spider mites, keeping them away.
Regularly apply the garlic spray to your plants to keep them away.

Apply Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is an organic pesticide that removes the outer layer of spider mites’ cuticles. In a couple of weeks, Spider Mites will start dying off because of dehydration and starvation.
Using diatomaceous earth (or finely ground eggshells) against the spider mites will help get rid of this pest and is one of the best ways to get rid of spider mites and keep them gone.
Use Beneficial Insects
When it comes to keeping Spider Mites away from your garden, nature just might be the best thing to have on your side. There are insects that are enemies and naturally feed on this type of arachnid including:
- six-spotted strips
- phytoseiulus persimilis
- lady beetles
- lady bugs
- minute pirate bug species
Introducing beneficial insects is a great way to deal with spider mites.

Create a Healthy Environment
In addition to using natural remedies to get rid of spider mites, creating a healthy environment in your garden will help keep Spider Mites away.
Use these tips, to help create a healthy ecosystem that discourages spider mites from taking up residence in your garden.
Proper Watering
Making sure you keep the right moisture levels in your soil is crucial for the overall health and resilience of your garden against pests like spider mites.
Overwatering can lead to stagnant conditions that actually promote mite infestations, so pay attention to your watering routine.
Water your plants at the base and avoid wetting the leaves, which can create a humid environment that spider mites thrive in. When watering at the base, be sure to avoid splashing soil up on the leaves which can also lead to problems.
Pruning and Cleanup
Regularly check your plants for any signs of spider mites and prune any affected areas to remove infested leaves or stems.
Clear away any debris or dead plant matter around your garden, because these can be used as hiding places for spider mites.
Keeping your garden tidied up plays a big role in preventing infestations and also keeps your plants happy and healthy.
Companion Planting
Some plants naturally repel pests like spider mites and can serve as protective companions to your plants. Think about planting pest-repelling herbs such as mint, basil, or cilantro in your garden to create a natural barrier against pests.
Smart, planned out companion planting can help keep the spider mite population down and actually help your garden’s ecosystem.
In A Nutshell
- Identify spider mites.
- Remove heavily infested plant parts to prevent the spread of spider mites.
- Use natural predators like ladybugs to control spider mite populations.
- Apply homemade sprays using essential oils and other natural remedies known for their spider mite repelling properties.
- Provide proper care and maintenance to keep plants healthy and less susceptible to spider mites.
- Start using preventative measures to reduce the risk of future spider mite infestations.
By using natural remedies and preventative gardening, you can deal with spider mites and keep your plants safe.
Stay on top of it, take care of any signs of infestation quickly, and you’ll create a thriving garden.
Keeping your garden free of Spider Mites can seem like a challenge, but if you keep a close watch, you can catch it before an infestation takes over the plant.
A healthy plant can withstand a small infestation as well as recover from it easier, so make sure your plants are well taken care of, and they’ll have a much better chance at recovery if they do find themselves covered in Spider Mites.
Getting rid of Spider Mites naturally is always the better choice. Hopefully using the methods mentioned above will make sure your plants stay happy and healthy without chemical interference.
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